November 23, 2013 - Georgia-Kentucky

We're in town for the Georgia-Kentucky game, a bi-annual tradition since Ella went to her first game at 5 weeks old.

We hit the bookstores and spirit shops, where we ran into a gorgeous bulldog.

We hit some bars and restaurants and found this gorgeous $4 vodka tonic.
(Nice job, Athens!)

Ella likes the band, but doesn't like the volume.


Then to see a sleeping Russ Uga.

He's awake. Ok, we can take a picture.


Ginger drops the mask for the quality photo-op.

We scored front-row club seats for face.
What luck!

Lovin' it. Soon, it got too cold for pics, so we just enjoyed Georgia beat down on Kentucky (until Murray got hurt, then we still enjoyed it, but a little less so).