June 24, 2013 - Tallinn, Estonia

Apparently, they're very protective of their squirrels.

We take a hop on-hop off bus around the city to get a feel for it.
We change routes by a small park.

Ella and I steal away to play in the flowers, adorning her ears

and the back of her hair.

Glad we have a bus!

One of their points of pride is a very large TV antenna.

Off the bus for a while, we get our bearings.

We start the long walk up the hill to the old town square, before continuing farther up.

Eastern Europe has its own feel.
The midievel times aren't as far away.

The roads wind up and down the hill.

Finally up near the town square, the architecture changes a bit.

Jill & I liked this door.

Ella's tired of all the walking.

This is where all the tourists gather - the main square, lined with outdoor restaurants.

We get our bearings

and enjoy the area a bit before moving on, farther up the mountain.