April 6, 2013 - Big day in Forsyth

Jill found an interesting happening up on a farm in Forsyth...

Cute barn. What's inside?

We get there for the first shearing of the season.

His friends come up for a closer inspection.


Ella pets a her.

OK, so do I!

Climbing on the fence to get a closer look at the yearlings.

Mom enjoys it, too.

The funky-shaved alpaca hangs out waiting for others to be buzzed.

Back in the yearling's holding cell, they're getting antsy.

They flock to the corner and band together.

No use. Another gets sheared.

Ella and I get close to watch.

Ella is concerned. She's worried that they're being hurt, so she grabs my hand.
But they never even get nicked.

The alpaca looks pleadingly at me.

But after 10 minutes of shearing, just a quick clip of the top knot

and he's ready.

After the alpacas, we go to the county park just down the road and hike along the creek.

Gorgeous land here!

Cute girl. Covered bridge. That's country.