Dec 27, 2012 - Botanical Gardens, Sean's BDay at Ella's Pizza

The last stop of the day is the National Botanical Gardens.
They have a cool train exhibit, but their lobby features some of the best monuments of D.C. made of flower and tree parts.

The roof of the Supreme Court is pine cone petals.


The train exhibit is multi-level.

The tracks recede into trees and pop out for close-ups.

Els likes the ladybug cars.

The theme is around fairies and trolls, so the architecture matches.

The Chinese area is dad's favorite.

Carmala and Ella like it, too!

Ella checks out the Jefferson Memorial.

The girls love time with each other.

The Smithsonian Castle is awesome.

As we leave, we get a great view of the Capitol.

Dinner tonight is the best pizza in D.C.
(With a name like that, how could it not be?)

We celebrate Sean's birthday with a dessert and birthday cards.

We give him a card that doubles as a pirate hat.

Long day. Paul is out by 8.
(Who knows on what time zone he's been functioning for the past 36 hours.)