Sept 23a, 2012 - New Bern

We're heading home today, but not after some relaxing at home in the morning.

Ella is all about "baby Daniel"

and wants to be there as Jill reads to him.

Eulalia cooks us waffles (not pictured), which gets us a great start to the day.

Daniel is so pumped up, he's standing.

The girls dance around him.

It looks like Ella is teasing him, but I don't think that's what happened.

Off to New Bern - "the first organized and substantial colony in North Carolina ", which gets its name (and black bear symbol) from its Swiss founder.

We park at a park (fittingly) and playa bit before going into town.

Eulalia watches as Daniel sits on a little black bear.

Ella does the same.

New Bern sits beautifully along the banks of the Neuse (meaning 'the new river' to Swiss founders).

Els watches the red-sailed boat pass.

Some of the buildings are very historic and gorgeous.

We head back to the cemetary where Ella played when we arrived in New Bern a couple of days before.

Already a pro, she climbs the tall ladder to go down the slide.

I was impressed.

Daniel hangs out at the bottom of the slide.

Daniel swings.

If Daniel is swinging, Ella wants to, too.

Ella and Daniel race down the slide.