July 7, 2012 - Swim lesson with mom and dad

The swim school asked us to bring Ella in once so they could teach us how to reinforce good habits.

We haven't been swimming with her much, yet, so this is really the first time we've seen her swim like this, and turn over

to take a breath

then keep swimming.

She still doesn't really like swimming, but she jumps to her mommy andway because she wants to be a good girl.

She swims, then whines a bit when she gets there.

Back and forth.

She doesn't want to do it any more,

but she does anyway - and does great!




This is when everything changed. She got to go on the slide...
She's excited, but a little scared.

When she gets to the bottom, she has to swim to mom, turn to breath, and swim more.
It is hard work for a little thing, but this is when she started actually LIKING swimming.

Over and over she does this, loving it, laughing.

Today is when swimming became fun.