March 11, 2012 - Springtime in Athens!

Cass, Jill, Ella, and Juani head over to Athens with me for a big day.

We walk around campus for a while to see what spring brings to the University of Georgia.

It turns out that Cass is up for pictures!

Ella runs around north campus.

Cute pic in front of where "mommy - daddy married."

The other girls get in the action, helping Ella balance on the sundial.

Ella hangs out on a magnolia branch.

Happy to be on daddy's shoulders.
(Daddy's happy h e can hold his breath.)

Juani and Ella in front of a redbud tree and the Terry College of Business's Brooks Hall, where Jill and I had lots of classes.

Smelling a camelia.

Cass has to do it, too.

Jill and Ella pose with Bernard Ramsey, chief philanthropist of the University.

Cass is interest in what Bernard has to say.

Juani and Bernie get to know each other a little better...

Later we go to a gymnastics meet.