Jan 10, 2011 - Blizzard

Ah, the blizzard of '11.

Eight inches of snow hit us in Cumming.


The roads were passable the first morning,

but they quickly turned to ice.
Where I drove on 17" in La Crosse, WI the previous year (with no salt or grit), I'm sure I would not have been able to make it up this hill.

Yup, Gaby's car is going to sit there for days...

It was a relaxing week at home, though.

Mom had a similar view, but it looks like she didn't make it to the street to take a picture. I'm guessing she opened the door, took a picture, and closed the door again until Thursday.

Time to get Ella ready to get out in it...

Here we go. With the practice in Manhattan, Ella can finally walk in this getup.

She's OK with it, but I think she's like everyone else in the group that a warm winter vacation is in store for 2011.

She's good at stairs though - always has been.

Gaby's loving her first snow storm.

Snow bunnies.

Let the snow ball fight begin...

Gaby throws one in the air...

Jill has an evil laugh, since she just nailed the photographer.

Jessica and Jenna bring over their float for Ella to try.
Ella is unsure about it for a while (to say the least),

but when it started moving...

Jenna gives Ella a push.

Ella likes it.

I have lots of dumb ideas - this one being Korean short ribs.

Gabs and Ella play on pristine snow.

Over here, Ella!

Ah - that's good.

That's better.

Benga aqui.
