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August 8, 2010 - San Fran, day 3a

Another beautiful morning in San Francisco!

Ella's happy to be out with three of her favorite people. (I'm just not going to say the order.)

We take in a bit of the street life as we head toward the water

and the Ferry Building.

Inside is lined with ritzy shops.

This one is just produce - and has the coolest collection of tomoatoes.

Gaby and I have an oyster outside the seafood shop.

Happy girl.

We head out back to check out the water

and the wharves.

After a stroll, we head to a restaurant

to meet Palak for some dim sum.
Great meals = few pictures.

Interesting artwork.

Ella gets to play on this art.

Next stop: the Stern Grove Festival...

a little free ballet outside in San Fran (thanks to Palak's friends who saved us valuable grass space.

The walk down into the park is lined with massive firs and spruce.

Huge trees.


As we get down into the clearing, wildflowers cover the forrest floor.

Later: the festival and more S.F.