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June 6, 2010 - Atl. Bot. Gardens

On Carey's birthday, we met at the Flying Biscuit in Midtown.
Ella likes Carey's Kaminsky.

Then, it is off to the Botanican Gardens, where they're featuring hydrangeas. However...(short aside)

Their hydrangeas have nothing on Nan's!

Her's are huge!
Okay, back to the ABG...

We all weave through the gardens.
It means offroading for Ella.

Then, off to the new canopy walk.

It is more impressive than I thought it was going to be.

Of course, it is lined with flowers

and flowering trees.

Gaby enjoys the new Cascade Garden

as to Carey and Bill.

In support of the new Edible Garden (yes, a third new major addition), the featured artwork is 'edible' blown glass, like this pear tree.

On to the traditional part of the gardens.

(not sure, but I like it)

Ah - the Edible Garden, including cabbages and parsley/cilantro.

The herb and spice wall.

Ella is enthused, as expected.

Vanilla flower!

Is a picture of a picture is worth 1000^2 words? I think so.

Fuqua Center turtles fight to get up a small hill which, as expected, didn't end well for the fearless leader.

The fam.

Ella and the g'rents.

Pretty girls.

A new tradition - Ella poses with the story-telling frog, like she did
back on March 27


Lunch time for Ella.

An overlook of the Cascade Gardens.

We njoyed watching this chunk in the watery play area at the entrance to the Children's Garden. He has such fat feet and was so funny to watch run. Big fella.

Ella has one last pose on a stone bench.
Good day all around!