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May 14c, 2010 - the Reception

Toast and cake time.

He's verklempt.

Jill Paris acts like one of the guys.

The happy couple takes a stroll on the dance floor.

I like this shot.

Things weren't shaking on the dance floor. Only about a dozen or so were out there, so Kevin and I decided to put on a routine (that included a shoe, which made total sense at the time, but I don't recall why).

It ended with flair, but didn't attract new dancers.

However, people kept dancing.

It slowly grew...

Kevin demonstrated his impersonation of a Spanish matador trainee.

Then, there was general merriment.

Kyle and the Count.

Jill and Kevin.

Jason lifts Abigail.

Whip-It ensued, as always.

Jill and I go get Ella so we can dance with her.

Clark Allen takes the opportunity to dance with Gaby.

Ella's cuttin' a rug with dad.

Gaby gets passed to Forrest.

Ella's surprisingly OK with this.

Kyle and her new dad.

Ali and our songbird.

Holly takes her turn with Ella.

Jill tries to scare Josh,

but he's a good sport and slow-dances with the panda steak.

I take Gaby for a spin, much to her surprise.

She fakes a smile and pretends to enjoy the dance.

Josh gets his turn with Gaby.

Kyle gives Ella a high-five for being a good sport,

then they make their getaway.

...but not before one last pose.
What a night! What a week!