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Feb 27, 2010 - 'Curb Appeal' viewing party at the Wilsons'

Every day now starts with random shots from home,

so here are some of our precious Ella, now being weened off of Jill.

Perhaps Jill is tired of all the pictures.

Well fed, Ella passes out.

Milk coma.

Ella wakes up at Rich and Kathrine's place, where she's soon passed around - first to Sara While (who recently moved back from Provo).

Angela (of "Sergio and Angela" fame) gets her hands on Ella next.

The Wilsons' dog is intrigued by the little morsel.

Let the viewing begin.
We all gather in the living room to watch the episode of 'Curb Appeal' that features the recent renovations at R&K' place.

The show starts ...

And there they are. What a cute couple!

R&K review the plans with the designers.

Rich makes a wise-crack and Katherine smiles, not awkwardly at all.

Everyone is entranced.

Afterwards, more baby passing - this time to Larry's girlfriend, Casey,

then to Larry.
Hi, Jason!

The evening quickly digresses, as Sergio goes through his cameo one frame at a time.
While in reality, Sergio is commenting on how atrocious the landscaping was at R&K's place, it looks to me like Captain Morgan's long-lost cousin just saw someone step in dog poop.

¿Huele mal, Sergio?