Dec 17pm, 2009 - Williamsburg, Day 1

Chowning's Tavern, where we have lunch today (and went for a late night snack and ales last night).

Bubba and Ella at Chowning's.

King's Arm's Tavern, where we'll have dinner tonight.

The silversmith's appliances.

We went to a tavern where they played music

and sang and danced for us,

then asked us to join in the dancing...

It's basically a square dance on quaaludes.

Bill tries to figure out what he's paired with...

Jill's happy. She has a strapping young man in tights to dance with.

This billiards table is about 15' long and all the cues are bent (on purpose).

As the temperature dropped, we headed to the Capitol for a parade.

I like fife & drum music, but wonder if they are all slightly out of tune on purpose - like the dissodence makes them sound louder...

Sling drums.

What's not to like about this parade?

On to dinner, where mom, Uncle Wayne, and Aunt Caroline wear their yard cloths in the traditional way.

I'm enjoying my beer - and Jill her ginger ale and peanut souppe.
The three tasting dishes in the middle of the table are a corn salad, some nasty ham thing, and pickled watermelon (which was the best).

After a long day, Ella stays on daddy to keep warm as we take the shuttle back to the parking lot.

Shortly after we get to the hotel that night, Ben, Eulalia, and Carmala join us.