October 18, 2009 - Nan and Jere visit

Sunday morning, we had a baby photographer come over - Kristin from
bella mi.
We had lots of bowls and stuff around to use, but this was what we were most excited about... Jill and I went out to Hobby Lobby the day before (thanks to B&C babysitting) and got a "wren's nest."
Right as Ella fell asleep, Kristin's hand caught on the nest and woke Ella back up.
Our little songbird was inconsolable for about an hour.

We moved on to our 'cartoon suitcase' as Rhoades calls it - and Kristin was all over the floor. She was like that the whole time, totally dedicated to the shot!

We finally got back to the wren's nest after Ella became too exhausted to argue.

Then, we finished up with our Georgia bowl (pecans, peaches, and cotton - which, C, we haven't told everyone is actually from an N.C. cotton inspector).
That was about it. We're looking forward to the proofs!!