March 11, 2006 - Atlanta to Seattle Roadtrip, Day 2.5

Leg 3a - South Dakota to Washington

Key stats:
Distance covered: 1,035 miles
Drive time: 14 hours
States: SD, MT, ID, WA
Landscape: Mountainous south of Rapid City, then flat from there through Wyoming, and for the first half od Montana.
Other: First prarie dog sighting.

Sunrise in Rapid City, SD

Heading south on US-16.

Icy tunnel into Keystone, SD

Finally in the park...

One last frozen hill to go.


Our new high-point.
One mile up...

His better side(?)

Long way up.

The nearby Crazy Horse memorial.

As close as you can get.
Well, we may have been closer, but not by car - and it was 4 degrees outside, so we didn't go for a walk...

Sad park.
Small pans for a bear (top), a puma (near bottom, center), and a fox (very bottom, center).

Heading back to Rapid City, then I-90 West.

Today's itinerary: I-90. West.
The west-er.
Then, continuing West.
Nothing but I-90W.

Landscape west of Rapid City. It got snowier as we approached...

Where men are men and sheep are nervous.

The red ground reminds me of home, a little, anyway.

Heading north from I-90 for a quick detour.
It is a little windy here...

“I’ve come… to look for A-meeer-ica.”
- Simon and Garfunkel

More typical Wyoming. Gorgeous!

Devil's Tower.

On the other side of the road...